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Minimally Invasive Gynaecologic Surgery |
Pre-conception counseling |
Uro-gynaecology |
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Fibroids |
Contact For Obstetrics Consultation

Dr. Roopalakshmi Shetty |
Obstetrics Specialist Doctor
Dr. Roopalakshmi Shetty holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree from Mumbai. Additionally, she has a DGO (Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology), further emphasizing her expertise in providing comprehensive care for women's health.
Sophisticated modular theaters equipped with cutting-edge tools for laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery A institution that uses video and urodynamics to diagnose urine issues The most recent colposcopic technology for treating and diagnosing cervix da Vinci pre-cancer Robotic system to support intricate surgical techniques The most recent technology for fetal cardiotocography to track the health of the fetus during pregnancy and delivery Advanced imaging center
Obstetric:In particular, obstetrics addresses the health of the expectant mother and her unborn child. Many difficulties can occur during pregnancy, including ectopic pregnancy, in which the embryo is inside the fallopian tube, compression-induced fetal discomfort, placental issues, and hypertension, which may be an early sign of the dangerous disease known as pre-eclampsia. The obstetrician makes sure the mother and child are securely led through every stage of pregnancy and labor since they are educated in these and many other difficulties of childbirth. An obstetrician is educated to manage any change that arises throughout the inevitable, but occasionally difficult, process of giving birth, regardless of whether the baby is delivered vaginally or via an emergency or scheduled caesarian surgery Chindren.
Obstetric and Gynaecological Consultation: For prenatal care, our facility provides consultation, counseling, and treatment. Extensive history taking is part of a comprehensive initial consultation. It is crucial that you describe your overall health, any illnesses, your habits, any allergies, and any previous pregnancies. Our physicians would be pleased to address your questions and provide guidance on medications, food, exercise, required tests, and pregnancy-related dos and don'ts. Frequent Monitoring